Do Air Purifiers with HEPA Filters Produce Ozone? - A Comprehensive Guide

HEPA filters are designed to remove particles from the air without producing ozone gas. Learn more about how HEPA filters work and why they don't produce ozone.

Do Air Purifiers with HEPA Filters Produce Ozone? - A Comprehensive Guide

HEPA filters are designed to remove particles from the air, not ozone gas. If you're worried about indoor ozone gas pollution, the best option is to use an activated carbon filter. Ozone production is a legitimate concern when it comes to air ionizers, particularly for those with pre-existing respiratory issues. Fortunately, there are high-quality air purifiers that don't contain ozone. An air purifier with a high-quality HEPA filter system can effectively eliminate particles from the air without producing ozone.

A built-in fan draws room air through the mechanical HEPA filter, trapping dirt, dust and other particles. These filters also keep those particles in place, so you don't have to worry about dust or particles ending up on your furniture or floor. The air purifiers we make don't have an ionizer. As mentioned before, the concern with an ionizer is that it will generate ozone. The State of California requires that all air purifiers be tested in a laboratory.

Smart Air is a social enterprise and certified B-Corp that offers simple and practical air purifiers and provides free education to protect people from harm caused by air pollution. Instead of passing air through a filter to trap contaminants, ionizers emit negatively charged ions that adhere to particles suspended in positively charged air. An ionizing air purifier, also known as an ionizer, works differently than traditional purifiers with a mechanical filter, such as a HEPA air purifier. While some air purifiers release ozone as a by-product, others release it intentionally, claiming that ozone can be an effective method for purifying air. While these air purifiers are somewhat effective in this regard, the process of adding an electrical charge to the air causes some free oxygen molecules to be converted to ozone.

In addition, studies have indicated that ozone from indoor air ionizers may be even more dangerous than the same level of outdoor ozone due to direct exposure. Let's take a look at what ozone is, how it could affect the body, and whether it's safe to use an air ionizer. For intelligent air purification that doesn't irritate the lungs, Smart Air has the Air Heath and SKYE air purifier systems. Sometimes, air purification methods produce ozone as a by-product or even use ozone as the primary method for cleaning the air. SKYE portable air purifiers have many features that help them outperform air ionizers that emit ozone. Most ionizers have a fan to draw out the air so that particles will be deposited on a collector plate rather than on furniture and tables.

This often occurs in automotive air purifiers and is not what you would expect from an air purification system. In many cases, when you buy an air purifier with a HEPA filter, it will also have a negative ionizer. Ozone air purification is only available as a commercial product since the state of California does not allow its sale to consumers. The key takeaway here is that HEPA filters do not produce ozone. They are designed specifically to remove particles from the atmosphere without generating any additional pollutants.

On the other hand, ionizers do produce ozone as a by-product of their operation and should be avoided if possible. If you're looking for an effective way to clean your indoor environment without introducing any additional pollutants into your home or office space, then investing in an activated carbon filter or high-quality HEPA filter system is your best bet.

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